Conservative Environment is a Messy One

"Well once there was a plan but now were taking that wonderful plan back to the drawing board erasing all we've done, dismantled the drawing board and gone home to Alberta were we don't give a shit about the environment."
The Harpoville Post reports the Minister of Environmental Disasters Rona Ambrose made an annoucement on the Harpo Government's long awaited "Made in Canada" plan that the plan has now been downgraded to a footnote. The plan which was to be revealed in the fall of 2006 but now as the colours of fall have arrived there seems to be no plan, no annoucement and nothing to offer Canadians and the rest of the world to combat greenhouse gas from the Harpo Government.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Ambrose's Tuesday annoucement that the Harpo Government would start cracking down on Ontario's already crippled auto industry as the big three slowly stumble along. Although, 'the crack down' woudn't go into effect for maybe another 13 years long after Alberta is sucked dry from their life line of 'Texas T'. As the Harpo Government skirts the environmental issuses by refusing to go to the source to ask the horse and the cause of up to 28% of all new greenhouse gases in North America the barren oil rich Tar Sands of Alberta. But why? ....... Could it be...... no....... but what if....... it were true........ Harpo isn't dumb enough to risk his only guaranteed voting base and the holders of the $$$ that got him elected.
The Harpoville Post reports that by Thursday the Harpo house toilet got even more backed up when a bill, forcing the Conservative government to honor the former Liberal Governments Kyoto obligations passed a second reading and vote in the House of Commons. As the three opposition parties all ganged up on Harpo Government out voting them 152 to 115 which left the Conservatives sitting with egg on their face and shit in their pants when they were caught voting againist a bill which calls for them to uphold a treaty which they claim to support. Though this does follow Conservative environmental logic of going after the manufactures of the cars the petroleum industry needs to ensure huge profits in the future rather than ask Alberta to clean up their own shitty backyard of the 28% increase in greenhouse gases they produce now while they still have the funds to do it.
The Harpoviile Post reports that by Friday the environmental stench seeping from beneath the Minister of Environmental disasters Rona Ambrose was near unbearable as she strapped on the Depends and was sent back in wading around in the Tory environmental mess by claiming a whole new approach to the environmental is needed but gave no indication what that is, what they will do about it or how long Canadians will wait for the governments next kick at the can and flush of environmental concern.
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