Liberals Don't Know Mr. Jew Like I Do

"We, the Conservative Party of Canada, ignored Israel's use of cluster bombs to slaughter innocent women and children in Lebanon unlike those Jew hating Liberals"
The Harpoville Post reports that Canadian Prime Minister Harpo's damnation of Liberal leadership hopeful Michael Ignatieff honest realization that Israel committed 'war crimes' against Lebanon when they invaded that country and bombed it back into the 6th centry. Ignatieff first response was to say it was beneath him and his office to respond to such a comment. Which is in contrast to Ignatieff's original comment; "I'm not loosing any sleep over it" when asked how he felt about Israel's invasion of Lebanon.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Liberal leadership hopeful Bob Rae has a bone to pick with Harpo for the fact that he has a Jew of his own at home and takes offence at Harpo's insistance that all Liberal's hate 'the Jew'. Bob Rae told the Harpoville Post; "What an asshole he is. I've got a Jew wife and half Jew kids, how can he say I don't support the Jew's. Have you seen my daughters cell phone bill?"
The Harpoville Post also spoke to Gerard Kennedy another candidate who sits on the long end of the short list in the leadership race and he had this to say: "Harpo was looking after his pocket book and not the country's interest when he made such a comment. When Israel invaded Lebanon Harpo was in Russia with U.S. President George Bush lap dogging in support of whatever the Americans said. Then once he had the Jew hear he went after the Jew purse and Harpo sent his money men across Canada cashing in and now he's still cashing in. It's obvious to see who ownes Harpo's pound of flesh."
The Harpoville Post has learned that the Ignatieff camp is taking this Tory assualt the hardest with one of his biggest Jew supporters and fund raisers in Ontario jumping ship after learning of his anti-jew comments. Though by Friday Micheal's latest decission is to take the time to travel to Israel to see first hand what his comments have done to dry up the flow of dough he so badly needs to keep the front runner position in his bid for Liberal leadership........ God forbid he travel to Lebanon to see first hand where the real damage lies.
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