Republicans Have Know it For Years

"That the internet is the best place to pick up a young hot male page."
The Harpoville Post reports that the news of the Republicans knowledge of Florida's favorite son Congressman Mark Foley's fancy footwork on the internet dates all the way back to the year 2000. That's long before U.S. President G. W. Bush knew there was anything called the 'Super Highway'. It seems a few members of the house were 'down' with Foley's use of this 'software' as a tool for 'downloading' his 'hardware' onto some 'compatable' and 'uncompatable systems'.
The Harpoville Post has learned that as more and more Republicans scramble to save their own necks to not go down with this sinking ship they've been seen scrambling for higher ground and as far away from 'Fast Fingers Foley' as possible. But as the tide waters rise from beneath some members of the GOP are managing to stay afloat by stepping and standing on fellow Republicans. Republican Jim Kolbe is now coming forward to say he's known about Foley's folly since 2000 but, never thought it was his place to speak out against the sick twisted mind of such a high standing member of the GOP. But with the 'shit hitting the fan' so hard some Republicans have taken to wall papering their offices with Depends, he thought it best to suddenly come forward with his sudden disapproval.
"It's all that bitch Hilary's fault she doesn't understand a mans needs"
The Harpoville Post reports that the GOP mud-slingers have moved into high gear and raised some concern that it's the Democrats that have hidden the truth from the American public of what a sick bunch of 'pre-verts' the Republicans have turned into while wallowing far too long, and growing far too fat at the United States Congressional Fair.
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